Indelible Imprints
Take less than 4 minutes to yourself for peace and tranquility.
Although birds appear delicate and vulnerable to the harshness of winter they not only survive, they thrive. With nature on their side, they can be regularly spotted as flocks of colour that spritely bob and weave in united, fluid choreographies and formations.
If ever there were lessons to be learned through pop culture and applied to our life, these 7 earned from Madonna at the BRIT MUSIC AWARDS in February, 2015 are some of the best!
At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone.
Confessions of a Fair Weather, Phone Photographer. Most of the time I love listening to the rain pounding on the window or cascading onto the patio, especially if I know I can stay cozy inside, feeling virtuous in that there was no pressure to be “outdoor active cause of all that rain - that relentless, ever present rain. But not today!
It was the eve of a long holiday weekend and I was looking for things to do that fulfilled my 30 day challenge - to do things as a tourist in my own city, that did not have a cost, involve some physical exercise and that would bring me closer to nature.
Seeings things from different perspectives helps me to develop informed opinions of my own and yet there is an abundance of comments and criticisms that do nothing to add to my panoramic view of life.